JAPAN DENIM ジャパン デニム

「JAPAN DENIM」は、CO2排出削減可能なインディゴ染色や、再生繊維・オーガニックコットンの採用、化学薬品や水使用が低減できる製品加工等、地球環境を守りながらサスティナブルな事業活動を通して社会に貢献することをメインテーマに掲げ、世界が認めるクオリティを生み出す三備地域(備中・備後・備前地域)の技術力と、国内外で活躍するデザイナーが織りなすこれまでになかった最新のデニムコレクションを展開します。

JAPAN DENIM has the main theme of contributing to society through sustainable business activities while protecting the global environment, such as indigo dyeing that can reduce CO2 emissions, the use of recycled fiber and organic cotton, and washing-product processing that can reduce the use of chemicals and water. The denim collection will feature the latest trends that have never been seen before, woven by designers active in Japan and abroad with the technical capabilities of the SAMBI area (Bichu, Bingo, and Bizen), which produces world-renowned quality products. This project will expand the possibilities of sustainable Japanese denim both domestically and internationally.
