各ジャンルに精通する個性豊かなエディターたちが、GINZA SIXをぶらぶらと
いつだってGINZA SIXは楽しい GINZA SIX Is Fun Whenever
澤田 真幸
実は、これと同じようなことをGINZA SIXにも感じている。世界各国から個性豊かなお店が集まった館内は、さながら諸国漫遊の趣があり、行くたびにテーマパークに迷い込んだかのような高揚感を覚え、その感覚はオープンから2年近く経った今も変わらない。特に目的がなくても、GINZA SIXに行けば必ず何か楽しいことがある。今回もそんな気持ちでGINZA SIXをぶらりと訪ねてみた。
館内に入り、2Fに上がると、頭上に巨大なアート作品が展示された吹き抜けの空間が現れる。GINZA SIXはフォトジェニックな場所が多いけれど、この空間が個人的にいちばん好きだ。特に上階へと向かうエスカレーターから見る吹き抜けの景色は格別エモーショナル。上がっていくにつれて眼下の景色が広がり、それはまるでひとつの街が立ち現れるような感じで、いつ見ても心が躍る。中央のアート作品はおよそ半年で展示替えするらしく、現在はニコラ・ビュフの作品が飾られているが、2月27日より塩田千春による新作インスタレーションが展示されるという。どんな景色が立ち上がるのか、楽しみだ。
まず手に取ったのは、希少素材である馬の尻部分の革、コードバンを使った定番シリーズ「ハノーバー」の名刺入れ(14,000円 ※以下全て税抜価格)。コードバンはほかの革に比べて水に弱く、濡れるとシミができるという弱点があるが、やはりこの独特の深い艶と色合いは魅力だ。
コードバン以外にもカーフを使ったアイテムもあり、そちらも文句なしに上質。そして、名刺入れを見たあとは、バッグもチェック。気になったのは、「ソメスサドル」がシューズデザイナーの坪内浩をデザイナーに迎えて2014年にスタートしたHTレーベルの「BOSTON L」(180,000円)。革はしっとりと柔らかく、馬具用のミシンで仕立てられた丸いハンドルはいかにも丈夫で手に馴染む。底の四隅には厚い牛革が当てられているので、汚れや衝撃を必要以上に気にしなくて済むのもうれしい。2泊3日程度の旅ならリュックで出掛けることが多いけれど、こういうボストンもいいよなと思った次第。
続いて向かったのが、「シボネケース」。南青山にある「シボネ」からスピンアウトしたこのお店は、ライフスタイルショップが集まる4Fの中でもひときわ存在感を放っている。取り扱っているのは、国内外のクリエイターの作品や現代の日本のものづくりなど、ジャンルにとらわれず、自由な切り口で集められたプロダクトたち。個人的にインテリア雑貨が好きでいろいろなお店を覗いているが、ここはセレクトが自分好みなので、インテリアのヒントをもらうためのショーケースとしてGINZA SIXに来たときは決まって立ち寄るようにしている。
欲しいものはたくさんあったが、その中から今回は2つをチョイス。埼玉県で陶工房を営む鳥居明生の作品は、陶の塊を窯で焼き、表面を磨いてつくったもの(3,981円~)。例えばこれは一見すると茶筒のようだが、蓋はなく、言ってしまえばただの筒状のやきものなので、ペーパーウェイトにしたり、アクセサリーや小物を置いたりと、使い方は自由。自分だったらどう使うだろう? 単なる道具としての機能を超えて、使う側の想像力を試されるのが面白い。プレゼントとして贈るのもいいかもしれない。
そんなできる大人におすすめされたのが、「甚五郎」だ。「甚五郎」は、栃木県日光市で1907年に創業した老舗米菓店「日光甚五郎煎餅 本舗 石田屋」が都内に初めて出したお店。名物はもちろん、煎餅である。なかでも、GINZA SIX限定となる「匠美」は絶品と評判で、わざわざ買いに来る人も多いという。
店名の「甚五郎」は、日光東照宮にある「ねむり猫」の作者としても知られる伝説の名工、左 甚五郎に因んで名付けられたという。この左 甚五郎は謎が多く、実在の人物ではなかったとも言われているが、彼がつくったとされる作品は今も全国に100か所ほど残っている。ことさらに蘊蓄をひけらかすのは野暮だけれど、手土産がちょっとした会話のネタになるのはありがたい。その点でも、「甚五郎」はおすすめだ。
ノープランでふらっとやって来ても、何かしら楽しい出会いがあり、必ず満足して帰ることができる。自分にとってGINZA SIXは、日々の暮らしを楽しくしてくれる場所だ。そういう場所があったほうが、人生は間違いなく豊かになると思う。GINZA SIXがあって本当によかった。
Text:Masayuki Sawada Photos:Yuichi Sugita Edit:Yuka Okada
I live just on the other side of the Sumida River, so Ginza is close by. I’ll often go and wander around on my own time. Many things about the Ginza district are appealing, but what I like most is its inclusiveness. The main streets are decorated resplendently and lined with high-end fashion houses and stores of the highest rank, both in terms of price and status. At the same time, if you wander down one of the side streets, you’ll immediately come across tasteful establishments that have operated for a hundred years or more, along with welcoming places popular with regular folk. Alongside the glitter and high end, it is also full of stores and restaurants, which make Ginza less intimidating. The bottom line is its scope is broad, with an inclusiveness that makes Ginza a delightful place to visit whenever and for whatever reason.
I see this same quality in GINZA SIX, which features many unique stores from around the world. Visiting feels like an international tour. Each time I go, I feel the same excitement I feel when I go to a theme park. In the nearly two years since its doors opened, this excitement hasn’t waned. It’s always fun to go, even if you have no specific goal. I went and wandered GINZA SIX once again this time with that same sense of excitement.
Heading inside and up to the second floor, you come across a spacious atrium and a giant art installation overhead. GINZA SIX has many places for photos, but I like this space best. The view from the escalators to the upper floors is inspiring. As you go up, the view expands before your eyes, an entire town unfolding before you. My heart flutters no matter how many times I see it. The atrium artwork changes every half year or so, I’m told. The current work is a piece by Nicolas Buffe. A new installation by Chiharu Shiota is scheduled to go up on February 27. I look forward to seeing this new view as well.
I continue up the escalator to the fifth floor. It occurs to me, suddenly, that the business card holder I currently use is well worn, so I decide to check out SOMÈS SADDLE, an establishment founded in Utashinai, Hokkaido, in 1964. It’s the only maker of horse harnesses in Japan. The company supplies leather products such as saddles to some of the world’s top jockeys, as well as equipment for horse-drawn carriages maintained by the Imperial Household Agency. It also makes bags, wallets, and other leather goods. I did some research on the bags here once before for an article, and I was impressed by the company’s dedication to the quality of its leather and its uncompromising stance on handcrafting everything it makes. I’ve been interested in the brand ever since.
I first take a look at the brand’s standard HANOVER series business card holder (14,000 yen; all prices listed before tax), made of shell cordovan leather, a luxury equine leather made from rare material beneath the hide on the rump of a horse. Cordovan isn’t as water resistant as other leathers and can stain if it gets wet, which is the downside, but it’s deep gloss and coloring have great appeal.
Besides cordovan, some products are made with calf leather. These, too, are indisputably of the highest quality. After looking at the business card holders, I check out the bags. After signing designer Hiroshi Tsubouchi, SOMÈS SADDLE launched its HT Label in 2014. I’m especially intrigued by the BOSTON L (180,000 yen) in this series. The leather’s soft, and the rounded handles made with sewing machines used to make horse harnesses are sturdy and feel comfortable in the hand. The four bottom corners are thick cowhide leather to put to rest worries about dirt and wear. I often go on three-day/two-night trips with a backpack. I find myself thinking this Boston would also work.
SOMÈS SADDLE products, whether business card holders or bags, all have an understated refinement. They inspire you to use and maintain them for long with a special a sense of care. With proper care, leather products last a lifetime. An eye for the latest trends is commendable, but the joy of owning and cherishing something for years and years has an appeal all its own. The feel and color of a leather product deepens with use and over time. Unique qualities emerge. The article merges with the life you strive to lead, and you find yourself suddenly very attached. SOMÈS SADDLE also offers comprehensive line of services. The store will inscribe your name on a product, free of charge. The maintenance space within the store will oil the leather for you, another complimentary service that also happens to be essential to the care and maintenance of leather goods. And if something breaks, the dedicated repair team has you covered.
My next stop is CIBONE CASE, a spinoff of CIBONE in Minami Aoyama. It has a conspicuous presence, even on the fourth floor, among all the lifestyle shops. They carry all sorts of products selected without regard for category, including works by creators in Japan and abroad and products from contemporary Japanese makers. I like interior products of all kinds and tend to check out the various stores that sell these products, but the selection here is right up my alley. Whenever I come to GINZA SIX, I stop in and look at the showcases for decorative ideas.
Some of the thoughts that go flitting through my head: “Using something like that in that way, that’s sheer genius!” and “Hmmm, I bet this would make a nice accent piece.” I go around the store imagining worlds of possibilities. The store features a corner gallery with new exhibitions every month or so, a great way to discover new artists and yet another thing to look forward to. You’ll also find well designed products that pleasingly accentuate our day-to-day lives. The sheer joy of discovery every time you visit makes you lose track of time.
There’s a lot I want, but this time I choose just two. One is this work by Akio Torii (3,981 yen), who operates a ceramics studio in Saitama Prefecture. It’s made by baking a clay mass in a kiln and polishing the surface. At first glance, it looks like a tea caddy, but one lacking a lid. It’s a ceramic cylinder, to put it bluntly. You can use it as a paperweight or put it somewhere as an accessory of some sort. The uses are endless. What can I use it for? It transcends its function as a simple implement and tests the imagination of the person using it. It would make a good gift, too.
These colorful vessels are the work of Yoshinori Takemura, whose atelier is located in Chiba Prefecture. They lack a common recurring pattern to unite them. The artist’s style is to conceive forms and colors in the moment. Each and every work has a different form and color scheme, and all have their own appeal. Honestly, I want them all, but the single-flower vase (Short Piece B, 5,000 yen) is especially appealing. What should I put inside? Where should I place it? Spending time in this way imagining new possibilities for your life and living spaces is oddly delightful.
Finally I make my way down to the second belowground floor, the Food Floor. I’m planning to meet someone later. Since I habitually try to have something small for people when I meet them, I’ve come to find a little gift. But finding gifts like this is hard. If you start to think about quantity, price, appearance, flavor, and so on…the considerations can go on forever. Knowing what makes a commendable gift, I would argue, is one measure of a refined adult.
Recommended by one adult of this stripe is Jingoro. Jingoro is the first store opened in Tokyo by Ishidaya Honten, a traditional purveyor of rice crackers (senbei) established in 1907 in Nikko, Tochigi Prefecture. It’s known, of course, for its rice crackers. Of these, Takumi (Meister’s Senbei), available exclusively at GINZA SIX, are touted as masterpieces. Some people, I’m told, even make special trips to GINZA SIX just for them.
They’re made from a blend of glutinous and non-glutinous rice and have a perfect crunchiness and rich flavor. Six flavors are available: salt, seaweed and salt, seaweed and soy sauce, shrimp, sesame miso, and granulated plums. Salt (1,200 yen for 18) tends to be the most popular. They’re even better than advertised—you experience a distinct, refined, salty goodness as soon as you put one in your mouth. The stylish packaging, too, helps make them the perfect small gift.
The store also displays variously flavored senbei throughout. You can try the ones that strike your fancy. Since I like spicy food, I ask for the Spicy Curry (445 yen). Most curry flavored foods out there aren’t spicy enough, but these are plenty spicy, so I’m more than satisfied. Based on their recommendation, I also try the Cilantro (445 yen). I don’t normally like cilantro, but I’m told: “It’s precisely people who don’t like cilantro who should try these.” I do, and, well…they taste a bit like cilantro. But there’s also a hint of lemon here. I don’t dislike them; I kind of like them, actually.
The store is named after Hidari Jingorō, the legendary sculptor who carved the famous sleeping cat at the Nikko Toshogu shrine. Hidari Jingorō, of course, is shrouded in mystery, and some say he wasn’t even a real person, but the name is associated with distinctive sculptures in some 100 locations around Japan. Those who openly display erudition lack sophistication, but I’m thankful to have this little bit of information to go with the gift I bought. On this point as well, I can recommend Jingoro.
Come to wander, with no particular purpose or plan. You’ll still enjoy delightful encounters and go home deeply fulfilled. For me, GINZA SIX is a place that deepens the joy of day-to-day life. Having establishments like this, I think, can only enrich one’s life. I’m glad there’s a GINZA SIX.
Text:Masayuki Sawada Photos:Yuichi Sugita Edit:Yuka Okada

澤田 真幸