各ジャンルに精通する個性豊かなエディターたちが、GINZA SIXをぶらぶらと
「色と香り」で大人の色気を身につける、ザ・ビューティクルーズ Color and Fragrance: A Beauty Stroll for Adult Sensibilities
鵜飼 香子
どのフロアも広々として解放感あふれるGINZA SIXは、大人も子どもも楽しめる館。子どもと一緒に訪れるときはB2Fのフードフロアと6Fの蔦屋書店、銀座大食堂、屋上のガーデンがお決まりのコース。でもひとりのときは……銀座ですもの、“大人の色気”を養いに、姿勢を正してハイヒールで向かいます(ビシ!)。
銀座で30分、余裕ができたら13Fの「GRAND CRU CAFÉ GINZA」へ駆け込みます。コーヒー屋さん、とひとことで言い表せない特別な場所。私にとってここは、頭をからっぽにしてホッとひと息つける癒しと、研ぎ澄まされた感覚を取り戻す空間でもあります。
シャンパンのように瓶にボトリングしているのは、コーヒー豆を栽培している大地や太陽、風、空気をあますことなくゲストに届けるため。コルクをあけた瞬間、広がる香りといったら……! 普段、乱れまくりの自律神経が整い、優しい人格になるほどです。私にプロポーズをしてくださっている(のでは残念ながらありませんが)正木さんは、豆の種類によって抽出時間や量をあみだす選ばれしエバンジェリスト。
焙煎豆100g入りボトルを1本オーダーして(¥10,000〜 ※以下全て税抜価格)、2週間ボトルキープができ、追加料金はかからず最大6杯、幸せの一杯をいただける仕組み。1年の約1/3は最高品質のコーヒーを求めて世界を駆け巡るコーヒーハンターJosé.川島良彰さんが選びぬいた色気ある個性的なコーヒーが揃っています。そしてオールドノリタケの麗しいカップや、バカラのグラス、化学薬品不使用のベジタブルタンニングのレザーウォールなど、訪れた人を「グラン・クリュな大人の色気」でもてなしてくれます。
さっそく「中間色寄りのブルーベース」の肌に似合うリップスティックを3本選んでもらいました。色によって、可愛げ、ナチュラル、センシュアルの演出を自在に操れるなんて……! この日は「大人の色気」がテーマだったので右の一本をチョイスしました。
自分の骨格や色、肌質、お手入れのクセまでを、まるで占いのように見抜かれ、アドバイスしていただけるGINZA SIX限定の完全予約制「メイクアップパーソナルレッスン」の人気メニュー「ベア パーフェクト」(90分 ¥21,000〜)。実質、カウンセリング料は無料で、この¥21,000以上のベアミネラルのアイテムを購入できます。肌本来のヘルシーな状態に戻すケアとアイテムを提案していただき、スキンケアとファンデーションはこのラインナップに。コスメを選ぶときって、どうしてこんなにも気分が高揚するのでしょう! これも女性を美しくするコスメの魔法ですね。
そろそろ帰宅時間。おみやげにはB2Fにある創業67年、東京唯一の店舗の「菓子匠 末広庵」で。以前、大阪の友人が「銀座にしかないおみやげを」と選んでくれたのがこの「銀座店限定菓 生大師祈願餅 折」(¥800)でした。美味しいお米で名高い、滋賀甲賀の羽二重餅に、北海道産秋田大豆、沖縄波照間の黒糖と阿波の和三盆を使った、大人から子どもまで楽しめるお餅です。
このお餅で、どうして今回のGINZA SIXクルーズのテーマ「大人の色気」とつながるのか? それはですね、このお餅が理想の女性像そのものだからなのです。お餅はきめ細かいシルクのような舌触り、きな粉は店頭でその日の分を石臼でひいているため深呼吸したくなるほど香ばしく、砂糖はすっきりとした甘みであとくされなく。
もうひとつ、GINZA SIX開業1周年を記念した「きなこ飴」(¥2,500)も、レアなおみやげにもとめました。日本最古の飴店「髙橋孫左衛門商店」の水飴をつかい、もうひとつ、またひとつと、とまらない美味しさ。
買うときの楽しさと、おみやげを渡したときに見る相手の笑顔で、二度幸せ。週に一度のGINZA SIX通いは、これだからやめられません。
Text:Kyoko Ukai Photos:Hidehiro Yamada Edit:Yuka Okada
GINZA SIX has a free and open feel on every floor. It’s a great place for both adults and kids to enjoy. When one arrives with children, the standard route takes in the food floor on the second belowground floor, Ginza Tsutaya Books and Ginza Grand Premium Food Hall on the sixth floor, and the rooftop garden. But when I come by myself, I adopt a different proper posture; I come in high heels to nurture an adult’s sensibilities. It’s Ginza, after all.
With a half hour free in Ginza, I rush to Grand Cru Café on the 13th floor. It’s a special space; the word “café” doesn’t quite capture or do it justice. For me, it’s a healing space that clears the mind and helps me relax. It’s a space that restores the pristine clarity of my senses.
You knew, of course, that coffee is a beauty drink? The coffee served here in particular is made with dense, fully ripened beans. There’s not a hint of bitterness, even after it cools. Plus, it’s loaded with polyphenols, so it’s a beauty boost, too. My personal take is that coffee confers a beauty charge. It’s strange—even women who prefer not to drink coffee will come here and have multiple cups. The coffee has a deep aroma and resonant flavor, and it courses throughout one’s body more readily than water. It’s a special beauty elixir.
You’re rarely surprised by anything once you’re well into your adult years, but the first time I tried this coffee, I remember sitting upright, considering the visions swirling from the aroma and flavor. A white horse heading directly for an old castle, the lustrous swell of the orchestra as the curtain rises—I felt a sudden clarity conferred on all five senses.
The coffee beans are stored in a glass bottle, like champagne, as if to serve the land itself where the coffee beans grow to guests: the sun, the wind, the air. The moment the cork is pulled, the aroma billows. It’s almost as if your normally disordered nervous system gathers harmony and purpose and you become a kinder, gentler person. Masaki-san, who is proposing to me (not actually, unfortunately), is the chosen evangelist, working out brewing times and quantities based on the bean variety.
You order one bottle with 100 grams of roasted coffee beans (from 10,000 yen; all prices listed before tax). The café keeps your bottle for you for two weeks. At no additional charge, you can then drink up to six wonderful cups. Coffee hunter José Y. Kawashima travels the world for a third of the year looking for coffee of the absolute highest quality. He’s the one responsible for procuring the café’s lineup of sensual, highly individualistic brews. Beautiful Old Noritake cups, Baccarat glasses, chemical-free, vegetable-tanned leather walls—guests are treated to an entirely grand cru tier of adult sensibilities.
Physically and mentally recharged, both beauty and sense of joy renewed, I head to bareMinerals on the first belowground floor, the boutique of the bareMinerals cosmetics brand based in San Francisco. The brand boasts an 80% recognition rate in the US.
For the last two or three years, both in beauty and fashion, the trend has been to find your own personal color, rather than simply incorporate the catalog unedited. You come here to have an expert select the foundation and makeup colors absolutely perfect for you.
This isn’t palm-reading. I’m having Kishino-san, a beauty specialist who’s peered at the skin of 40,000 people, determine my personal color. Based on the color of your blood vessels, he determines whether you need a blue base or a yellow base. Ideally, he says, one must look at the fingertips, on the side opposite the nails, which hasn’t been exposed to the sun.
It’s been a mystery to me for years. I’m yellow base, I thought, but blue base is what I like and what feels right. Finally, today, I emerge from the darkness!
Three lipsticks are chosen to match my skin—“blue base, leaning toward neutral-colored.” The colors give me the freedom to create different looks, ranging from innocent appeal to natural to sensual. Since my theme today is adult sensibilities, I go with the one on the right.
The popular barePerfect option (90 minutes; from 21,000 yen) of the Makeup Personal Lesson, a by-appointment-only service available only at GINZA SIX, involves getting your physique, color, skin quality, and maintenance habits read, just like fortune telling. The advice you receive is based on this careful individualized interaction. After the lesson, you can get these bareMinerals items equivalent to the counseling fee of 21,000 yen. You’ll get helpful product and care suggestions that draw on a lineup of skincare and fashion products to restore the natural health of your skin. Where’s the excitement in picking out cosmetics, you ask? Perhaps it’s the magical power of cosmetics to make women beautiful.
It’s just about time to head home. I go to buy a gift at Kashisho Suehiroan, a store founded in 1967. It’s located on the second belowground floor, the brand’s only location in Tokyo. Earlier, a friend of mine from Osaka gave me a gift “you can only find in Ginza”—this Fresh Daishi Prayer Rice Cake (800 yen), designed exclusively for the Ginza location. Made with Habutae rice from Koga in Shiga Prefecture, a region renowned for its rice, to which the confectioner adds Akita soybeans from Hokkaido, brown sugar from Hateruma, Okinawa, and wasanbon, or refined Japanese sugar, from Awa in Shikoku, these rice cakes are the ideal treat for everyone, children to adults.
How do these rice cakes fit with the adult sensibilities theme I’ve chosen for today’s GINZA SIX stroll? Well, that’s a good question. Perhaps it’s because the rice cakes themselves embody a feminine ideal. With a fine, silky texture and the roasted soy flour ground fresh only for the day at the store, the rice cakes have a fragrance one will want to inhale deeply. They’re also refreshingly sweet in a way that’s never excessive or cloying.
I also purchased the Kinako Ame (2,500 yen), roasted-soybean-powdered candies, to give as a hard-to-find gift. Made with starch syrup from Takahashi Ameya, Japan’s oldest maker of starch syrup, it commemorates GINZA SIX’s one-year anniversary. It’s also irresistibly delicious, something I always want one more of.
Gifts are double the fun. There’s the pleasure of the purchase and the joy of seeing the recipient’s face brightening. That alone is enough to keep me returning to GINZA SIX once a week.
Text:Kyoko Ukai Photos:Hidehiro Yamada Edit:Yuka Okada

鵜飼 香子