各ジャンルに精通する個性豊かなエディターたちが、GINZA SIXをぶらぶらと
アート発信地・銀座のDNAを体感するカルチャー・スポット巡り A Cultural Tour of Ginza’s Artistic DNA
富田 秋子
GINZA SIX EDITORS Vol.7(Lifestyle)
ちょっと唐突ですが、本やレコードの重さで床が抜ける心配をしたことがある方は、どれくらいいらっしゃるでしょうか?少なくとも、学生時代からカメラ雑誌やカルチャー誌で文章を書かせてもらっていた自分は、一人暮らしをはじめた時からすでに“床を心配する派”でした。今回はそんなカルチャー・アディクトのお仲間のみなさまや、文化的な刺激を求めるすべての方々におすすめしたい、GINZA SIXのカルチャー・スポットをご紹介します。
まずは、6階フロアの銀座 蔦屋書店へ。“櫓”にヒントを得たという吹き抜けのイベントスペースや、時宜を得た作品を紹介するアートギャラリーなど、随所にアート展示を展開する店内はまさに美術・文化の一大発信基地といった様相をみせています。
もちろん、リアルタイムな動向に対応したラインナップにも余念がありません。写真家の志賀理江子は、生と死、光と影、見えることと見えないことなど人間の根源的な二元性を、写真を通して探求してきた最重要作家の一人。今年の夏に香川県で開催した展覧会「志賀理江子 ブラインドデート」(丸亀市猪熊弦一郎現代美術館)は、作家としてさらなる進展をみせた展示で大きな注目を集めましたが、ここにはその関連本『Blind Date』(T&M Projects)もしっかりと置かれていました。取り扱い書店の少ない本も、きちんと揃えられている。書店に対する信頼は、こういうところで決まるんですよね。
アートブックが並ぶ通称“アートストリート”の入り口には、大型本の特設コーナーが設置。歌舞伎写真の決定版とも言える篠山紀信『KABUKI by KISHIN』(限定1000部)や、「名所江戸百景」の初摺を収録した『広重 名所江戸百景』特装版(限定200部 好きな作品の複製原画1枚をセット)は、ここ銀座 蔦屋書店でしか買えない限定本です。日本の美意識を世界に向けて発信する。その志が、ガラスケースや飾り棚、平台などを使っていたるところに展開されている特集や展示の1つ1つに表れていました。
続いて、1つの下の5階にあるライカ GINZA SIXへ。言わずと知れた、ドイツが誇るカメラ・双眼鏡の名門ブランド、ライカです。ロバート・キャパやアンリ・カルティエ=ブレッソンなど、多くの写真家たちがライカの写真機とともに生き、数々の“決定的瞬間”をとらえてきました。
まずはライカ史上初のインスタントカメラ「ライカ ゾフォート」をチェック。キュートなルックスながら、二重露光や長時間露光といったクリエイティブな撮影モードも備えた優等生です。
また、「Kosen」展にちなんで中央の棚に揃えられていたのは、通常はライカ 京都店のみで扱われる京都伝統工芸とのコレボレーション・アイテム。七宝紋の扇子は老舗・宮脇賣扇庵が手がけた限定品でありながら、シャンパンのボトル1本ほどの価格設定。京友禅着物で名高い千總の京友禅柄をプリントしたシルク生地を革の内張に使った贅沢な巾着も一万円代半ばと、プレゼントにも喜ばれそうな品々が並びます。
結局、この日は何も買わずに帰って……来られるはずはなく、銀座 蔦屋書店で見つけた芸術新潮1989年7月号(特集「写真家が選んだ昭和の写真 ベスト10」)をしっかりゲット。まさか、銀座の真ん中で、若き日に買いそびれた雑誌に巡り会えるとは思ってもみませんでした。
日本の粋を体現し、ファインアートの発信地でもあり続けた銀座のDNA を、明確な意思を持って継承し、あらゆる次元で展開してみせるGINZA SIX。しかし、安易な伝統への追従ではなく、現在進行形の情報を積極的にキャッチし、また自らも挑戦し続けていくところにこそ、クリエイティブな気概を感じます。日常の行動範囲にそんなスポットを持つことは、人生をより豊かにする秘訣の1つといえるのではないでしょうか。
Text:Akiko Tomita Photos:Hiroyuki Takahashi Edit:Yuka Okada
Can I ask a quick question? Are you someone who worries the weight of your books or records will damage the floorboards? Since I moved out on my own, as someone who’s written for photography and culture journals since my student days, I know the feeling. So, today, for all my fellow culture addicts and everyone else who seeks out what’s new and fascinating in the world of culture, I’d like to recommend the cultural space at GINZA SIX. Allow me to proceed with my introduction.
First, let’s head to Ginza Tsutaya Books on the sixth floor. Here, you’ll find an event space with a high vaulted ceiling inspired by watchtowers, an art gallery showcasing timely works, and a series of artworks exhibited at various points throughout the store. All of this merges to create an important site for transmitting art and culture.
Among the store’s major highlights is a 60,000-volume collection of art books. When I visit the store, I immediately head over to the used-book area. I’m repeatedly awestruck by the vast range covered by the stock of invaluable books here. My lucky find today was a rare book of photos by Kikuji Kawada entitled “Chizu” (published by Bijutsu Shuppan-sha).
This first edition, of which only 500 copies were printed in 1965, is the pinnacle of vintage photo collections. It all but inaugurated the artist book in Japan. The high-contrast photographs, including the shadows seared into the walls of Hiroshima Peace Memorial (Genbaku Dome) and portraits of kamikaze pilots, were designed in a novel format in which all the pages are gatefold. The binding was developed by Kohei Sugiura, the renowned Japanese graphic designer who studied Asian iconography to create highly innovative book designs.
The store’s lineup of books that follows current trends is also exceptional. Photographer Lieko Shiga is a major artist who has pursued, through photography, the fundamentally dual nature of human beings—life and death, light and shadow, the seen and the unseen. “Lieko Shiga Blind Date,” an exhibition of her works held this past summer at the Marugame Genichiro-Inokuma Museum of Contemporary Art in Kagawa Prefecture, drew considerable attention and provided a glimpse of Shiga’s continuing evolution as an artist. The bookstore carries a few copies of “Blind Date” (T&M Projects), the book accompanying the exhibition. The store also carries books carried by very few other bookstores. Loyalty to a bookstore is built on things like this.
The entrance to “Art Street,” the common name given to the art books section, features a special area for oversized books. Kishin Shinoyama’s “KABUKI by KISHIN” (limited edition of 1,000 copies), considered the standard for Kabuki photography, and a special edition of “Hiroshige’s One Hundred Famous Views of Edo” with the first printings of the “Famous Views” (limited edition of 200 copies; with one reproduction of a favorite work) are limited editions available only here at Ginza Tsutaya Books. To transmit Japanese aesthetic perspectives to the world—each of the collections and displays scattered throughout the store in glass cases, in cabinets, and on flat display platforms speaks to this mission.
Let’s go down one floor to the fifth floor and check out Leica GINZA SIX. Leica, obviously, is the renowned brand of German cameras and binoculars. Many photographers, including Robert Capa and Henri Cartier-Bresson, have lived with their Leica cameras and captured numerous decisive moments.
The store is based on an open floor plan that includes a photo exhibition space. The current exhibition, “Kosen,” features work by John Davies (through December 13). Davies, an English photographer, is also well-known as a collector of vintage photographs of Japan. The remarkable work gathered here tracks the progression of a 15-year-old apprentice geisha, or maiko, over five years, as she becomes a full-fledged geisha.
Let’s start by checking out the Leica Sofort, the brand’s first-ever instant camera. It looks cute, but it also features real-world working chops, like creative double-exposure and time-lapse-exposure modes.
And since we’re here, let’s pick up and hold the camera that makes any camera fan’s mouth water: the Leica M. The heft, the texture of the surface, the austere body—it’s hardly an overstatement to say one perceives the presence of craftsmanship in one’s hands.
Next, on the center shelves, in a tribute to the “Kosen” exhibition, are items produced in collaboration with traditional Kyoto craftspeople. These products are normally available only at the Leica Store Kyoto. The cloisonné-patterned folding fan is a limited-run item produced with traditional maker Miyawaki Baisenan and priced like a bottle of champagne. We also find here a drawstring pouch of leather, lined with kyoyuzen-patterned silk from famous kimono maker Chiso, priced around 15,000 yen. These items would make spectacular gifts.
Nevertheless, I ended up going home empty-handed… just kidding! I’m not sure that’s possible. Today, I picked up the July 1989 issue of Geijutsu Shincho magazine (Best 10 Showa Era Photos, as Selected by Photographers), a find I came across in Ginza Tsutaya Books. I really had no idea I’d come across a magazine, here in the middle of Ginza, that I’d missed the chance to buy in my younger days.
In its DNA, Ginza has long exemplified Japanese sophistication while also serving as a center for fine art. GINZA SIX clearly and purposefully inherits and deploys this tradition in all dimensions. But it’s not merely following tradition; there’s a creative grit I sense in its acute attention to current information and willingness to tackle new challenges. Having a place like this within your daily repertoire is one of the secrets to bringing more enrichment to life.
Author: Akiko Tomita Photographer: Hiroyuki Takahashi Editor: Yuka Okada

富田 秋子
エディター/ライター。美術館勤務を経て、出版界へ。カルチャー誌で写真集やストリート・アート等々の特集を手がけ、独立。現在は国内で開催される国際写真祭や企業の文化メセナ事業に関わりながら、「VOGUE JAPAN」「Numero TOKYO」をはじめとしたメディアにアート関連の記事を寄稿している。