各ジャンルに精通する個性豊かなエディターたちが、GINZA SIXをぶらぶらと
GINZA SIXに見るゴルフトレンドの変遷 Golf Trends at GINZA SIX
松村 佳織 『Regina』編集長
非日常のおしゃれと言われ続けてきたゴルフファッションが日常へと変わりつつあることが、わたしとしては少し寂しい感じもしますが、やはりゴルフ女子たるもの、誰よりもおしゃれでありたい! そんなゴルファーの願いを満たしてくれるゴルフウェアを探しに、いざ、GINZA SIXへ。
まずは5Fにある「G/FORE(ジーフォア)」へ。2011年にロサンゼルスで誕生し、カラフルなグローブで注目を集めたラグジュアリーゴルフブランド。2年前にシューズとウェアを日本で本格的に展開し、GINZA SIX店は9月上旬にオープン。クラシックとモダンを融合させた新鮮なデザインは、感度の高い女性ゴルファーたちに大人気。7対3で女性客が多いというのもゴルフブランドでは異例の現象です。
足元を華やかに彩るカラフルなシューズ(34,100円 ※以下全て税込価格)は見た瞬間に一目惚れ! スパイクレスなのでプレーはもちろん、タウンでも使え、多色使いが実はどんな服にも合わせやすい便利な一足。さらに、凹凸のあるマッサージインソールで足裏に心地よい感触が。手を使わず立ったままスッポリ履ける、なんとも優しい仕様ですが、履いてしまえばしっかりホールドしてくれるので、プレー中も安心です。
バッグなどの小物も充実。スタッフの方におすすめされた白のボアのカートバッグ(19,300円)は、シンプルで上品なデザインが素敵。収納力が高く、あれこれ持ち物が多くなる冬のゴルフにはベストなサイズです。そして、この日の恰好にもぴったりマッチ! そのまま持って帰りたくなりました…。これなら普段使いもできますね。
「冬の間は、スイングの邪魔にならないダウンベストを着ていたのですが、1~2月はさすがに寒い…。着たままプレーできるダウンブルゾンもいくつかあるけど、やっぱり袖の存在感が気になるんです」。そんな話を聞いて提案してくれたのが、このダウンジャケット(61,600円)。身頃がダウンで、袖部分はストレッチの効いた起毛素材。半信半疑で着用してみたら、その軽い着心地に驚き! 気になる腕のストレスもなく、これなら思い切りスイングできそう。さらに嬉しいのは、スマートなシルエット。「白のダウン=有名タイヤメーカーのキャラクター」というわたしの勝手な想像は杞憂に終わりました。
お次は同じく5Fにある「BRIEFING GOLF(ブリーフィング ゴルフ)」。ブリーフィングと言えば、ミリタリー由来のデザインをタウンユースに落とし込んだ、メンズを中心に展開するラゲッジブランド。その伝統とこだわりをベースに「都会とアウトドアをブリッジする」スタイリッシュなアイテムを提案するゴルフラインです。おしゃれ男子が好むブランドというイメージがありますが、数多くのレディスウェアやバッグも展開され、持っていると一目置かれる特別な存在感が特徴です。
ブリーフィング ゴルフのウェアは、簡単に言うと「シンプル&スタイリッシュ」。それでいて存在感が半端ない! 「BRIEFING」というロゴのパワーがゴルフもおしゃれも上級者という印象を与えます。(もちろん、初心者だってOKです!) わたしが気になったのは、白とキャメルのバイカラーのニット(24,200円)。上質な素材感とツートンカラーのバランスが絶妙におしゃれ。背中の3Dロゴにもさりげないこだわりが感じられます。
ショップイチ押しのコーディネートはダークカラーで統一したワントーンコーデ。アウトドア風に仕上げたキレのあるスタイルがかっこいい! 身頃にバランスよく配したファスナーがフリース素材のほっこり感を解消し、メリハリのある着こなしに。裾部分にはシリコンワッペン、バックネックには星条旗モチーフの刺繍など、さりげないアクセントもポイントです。
BRIEFING GOLFと言えば、耐久性や細かいディテールなどこだわりの詰まったキャディバッグ。オールスターたちがずらりと並ぶ、まさに垂涎ものの眺め! いつかドヤ顔で担ぐ日を夢見て…。
3件目は、4Fにある「Chacott BALANCE(チャコット・バランス)」。バレエやダンス用品を扱う老舗ブランドのチャコットが、自分らしく日常を大切にする女性のために心身を整える「バランス・ウェア」を展開。ゴルフブランドではないのですが、わたしたちゴルファーとの親和性が高いこともあり、立ち寄ってみました。明るくて解放的な店内の雰囲気が思わず足を運びたくなります。
「普段着ることのない非日常なファッションを楽しんでこそゴルフの醍醐味」。そんな信念を持ち続けてきたわたしが、GINZA SIXを訪れて気づいたこと。コロナ禍で大きく変わったゴルフスタイルの中にも「おしゃれ」はずっと生きている。まもなく50歳を迎えるわたしですが、「今」を受け入れ、順応しながら、おしゃれ心を忘れずに生き生きとゴルフを楽しんでいきたいと思います。
Text: Kaori Matsumura Photos: Asuka Watanabe Edit: Yuka Okada(81)
I’ve been involved with Regina, the golf fashion magazine, since its first issue. Based on the notion that what you wear is more important than your score, the magazine showcases golf fashions for the non-everyday space that the golf course represents. Over these past 15 years we’ve seen trends come and go, and while trends change more slowly in golf than in regular fashion, these past several years have amounted to a major turning point.
I could go on for some time about the finer points of golf fashion trends. But to keep things brief, athleisure styles, which first began to attract attention around 2017, have had a big impact on golf trends. Simple and sporty have risen to the fore. Polo shirts, once such a mainstay, have given way to mock necks, while classic golf shoes have conceded ground to sneakers. Moreover, since the pandemic hit, more people have opted for just one set of clothes sufficient to take them from door to course to door. The demand now is for highly versatile designs capable of doubling as regular clothing.
While golf fashion has long been called fashion for the non-everyday, this is changing. Golf styles are beginning to trend toward the everyday, which, for me, to be honest, is a bit disheartening. Of course, as a woman golfer, I want to be more stylish than anyone else! I’ve come to GINZA SIX today to find golf wear that satisfies this desire.
My first destination is G/FORE on the fifth floor. Launched in Los Angeles in 2011, this luxury golf brand has drawn attention for its colorful gloves. Two years ago, it expanded into shoes and clothing on a full-fledged basis in Japan. The shop here at GINZA SIX opened in early September of last year. Fusing classic and modern, the brand’s novel designs are extremely popular with the highly fashion-conscious among women golfers. Women customers outnumber men by a ratio of 7:3—highly unusual for a golfing brand.
This time of year, bundling up to stave off the cold, we tend to neglect fashion. This down setup is warm, of course, but it shows off beautiful, stylish lines. The design is simple and highly amenable to coordination—and the clear winter white is oh so chic!
It’s love at first sight with these colorful shoes, which add vibrant spice to your feet (34,100 yen; all prices listed include tax). They’re spikeless, so you can wear them out on the course or just out and about in the town. Multi-color shoes like these are especially convenient because they go with just about any outfit. And the bumpy, massaging insoles are pleasing to the soles of the feet. It’s easy to slip right into them as you stand, without using your hands, a really nice feature. At the same time, once put on, they grip your feet firmly, allowing you to swing away with total peace of mind.
Take a look at these sporty, two-tone dresses (53,900 yen each)! The raised logo and large insignia stand out against the simple color combos—a great look for social media. Plus, you get to sport a trendy mock neck in high style!
The bags and other accessories are also extensive. The staff here recommends this white boa cart bag (19,300 yen), which features a wonderful design, both simple and refined. It offers plenty of onboard storage—the best size for golfing in winter, when you tend to carry more around. It goes perfectly with my outfit today. I so want to take it home! A bag like this would work for everyday use as well.
I explain my predicament. “During the winter, I wear a down vest that doesn’t interfere with my swing. But January and February are really cold. I have a number of down blousons I can play in, but the sleeves do end up bothering me.” The staff recommends this down jacket (61,600 yen). The body is down, but the sleeves are a stretchy brushed fabric. Somewhat dubious, I try it on. I’m surprised by the light and comfortable fit. There’s no tug or other distracting stresses on the arms—it feels like I’d be free to take a full swing. And the smart silhouette is a delight! I’d imagined wearing white down would make me look like the certain mascot of a certain tiremaker, but these fears prove unfounded.
Next I visit BRIEFING GOLF, also located on the fifth floor. BRIEFING is known primarily for men’s apparel by adapting military designs for urban use. Based on this tradition and approach, its golf line offers stylish items that bridge the city and outdoors. The image is as a brand beloved of fashionable men, but it also offers a large selection of ladieswear and bags. Holding an item, I’m struck immediately by its special aura.
Put simply, BRIEFING GOLF’s clothing is simple and stylish—and yet the presence factor is very strong. The power of the BRIEFING logo imparts the vibe of an advanced player, both in golf and in fashion. (It doesn’t matter of course, if you’re a beginner!) I’m particularly drawn to this white and camel knit (24,200 yen). The balance between the high-end materials and two-toned color scheme is exquisitely chic. The raised logo on the back is another nonchalant elaboration.
The brand’s commitment to function is unsurpassed. I’ve been wanting a simple pair of pants I can use both for golf and day-to-day stuff. Made with exothermic materials (27,500 yen), these warm pants are added to my wish list.
The shop’s display is currently promoting these single-toned outfits in dark colors. Their sleek outdoorsy style is very cool! The zippers, so nicely arranged on the body, offset the warm, comfy look of the fleece and give the outfit a cool, dashing feel. The subtle accents are great, too—the silicon emblems on the hem and the Star-Spangled Banner embroidery on the back of the neck are perfect examples.
BRIEFING GOLF is well known for its caddy bags, which are highly durable and packed with details and features. These all-stars standing in a row will have anyone turning green with envy! I dream of the day I can carry one, with a self-satisfied look on my face.
My third stop today is Chacott BALANCE on the fourth floor. A long-established brand known for ballet and dance products, Chacott offers a “balance wear” line that conditions body and mind for women striving to live their own way each day. It’s not a golf brand, but it does strike a chord with us golfers. That’s one reason I’m here. The bright and open atmosphere within tempts you to walk in and take a look.
The clothing inside has the functionality needed for yoga or pilates classes, as well as the design quality needed for day-to-day styles. I’ve tried on this reversible vest and inner set (35,200 yen), which, I’m told, can be combined in four different ways. The soft, comfortable fit and texture, the amiable light blue color—just putting it on is relaxing. The idea of self conditioning is popular these days. Wearing this, I understand—it simply looks as if wearing it would relieve tension and perhaps even improve my score.
These padded pants (22,000 yen) come highly recommended for the cold season. They retain heat but don’t get stuffy, even when you’re on the move. They’d be great for the driving range as well. The beautiful silhouette is just what you’d expect from Chacott BALANCE.
At some point, without even realizing it, my closet has filled up with hoodies. As someone who loves hoodies, I’m charmed by this setup (top 21,450 yen, bottom 14,300 yen). Even items with strong “casual” associations are pretty appealing when Chacott BALANCE is in play. The warm cream color and the thick ribbon tickle a woman’s heart. “For golf wear, maybe I could…”—just considering the possibilities is one of the joys of shopping.
One corner of the store features Chacott’s cosmetics line, products developed for the stage. Their visual appeal, long lasting finish, and skin-friendliness are ideal for golfers. The Lasting Base is SPF50+/PA+++ and offers full UV protection. With 100 colors in all, the range of colors is extensive.
One of the best things about golf is having fun with fashions you wouldn’t normally wear day-to-day. I’ve clung to this belief for a long time, but coming to GINZA SIX, I notice that even in golf styles, which have changed dramatically with the pandemic, fashion sense remains alive and well. Now, on the verge of entering my fifties, I’m committed to accepting the “now,” to adapting as I continue to energetically pursue golf and its fashions.
Text: Kaori Matsumura Photos: Asuka Watanabe Edit: Yuka Okada(81)

松村 佳織
Instagram : @regina_golf