―新版画の美― 川瀬巴水 木版画展 11/18(木)~11/24(水) The Beauty of Shin-hanga- Printmaking Kawase Hasui Woodblock Print Exhibition
2021年11月18日(木) よりArtglorieuxでは ―新版画の美― 川瀬巴水 木版画展 を開催し初期摺り木版画作品を即売いたします。
●抽選場所:Artglorieux GALLERY OF TOKYO GINZA SIX 5F 入り口付近(MAP参照)
*10:00より前にGINZA SIX入り口に並ばないよう、皆様のご協力をお願いいたします。
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「渡邊木版美術画舗」ホームページ こちらをClick
川瀬 巴水(明治16年 - 昭和32年)は、衰退した日本の浮世絵版画を復興すべく、新しい浮世絵版画である「新版画」を確立した人物です。
「日本風景集 関西篇 高野山鐘楼」昭和10年
「旅みやげ第三集 男鹿半島龍ヶ島」大正15年
Motivated by a desire to revive the declining tradition of Japanese Ukiyo-e, Hasui Kawase (1883-1957) was an individual who played a leading role in the establishment of a new type of Ukiyo-e called “Shin-hanga”.
Born as the eldest son of a rope and thread wholesaler, Kawase became the pupil of Nihonga artist Kaburagi Kiyokata. It was at this time that he received the nom de plume of “”Hasui””. Hasui developed an interest in woodblock printing (mokuhanga) after viewing “”The Eight Views of Omi”” (Omi hakkei)—a work created by his fellow pupil Shinsui Ito. This interest culminated in the 1918 release of “”Shiobara”” from the Watanabe Printshop. Afterwards, Hasui travelled to destinations across Japan where he drew sketches which became the base material for the creation of numerous woodblock prints. These works would go on to establish Hasui as one of the foremost creators of modern landscape prints.
Referred to as the “”poet of the journey,”” “”traveling printmaker”” or the “Hiroshige of the Showa era,” Hasui’s lyrically rich depictions of beautiful Japanese landscapes have given him a level of popularity overseas which is on the same level as Ukiyo-e masters such as Katsushika Hokusai and Utagawa Hiroshige.
For this exhibition and sales event, woodblock print shop S. WATANABE Woodcut Prints has carefully selected, from among works collected from around the world, more than 30 early prints to showcase including some valuable works from the Taisho Period (1912–26).
フロア: 5F
イベント名: ―新版画の美― 川瀬巴水 木版画展
開催期間: 2021.11.18- 2021.11.24
2021.11.16 UP